The Rise of the Self-Employed - infographic

We surveyed 250 self-employed professionals to get an insight into their lifestyle and work habits. Here are the key findings from the survey!

We wanted to explore the differences between the lifestyles of the self-employed and those traditionally employed. We asked the self-employed about their work-life balance, job satisfaction, income worries and their working hours. These results were then compared and contrasted to traditionally employed workers and workplaces. After analysis there are significant differences between the two lifestyles, both with positives and negatives. Read below to find out the key findings from the survey.

Inforgraphic explaining key findings from a study

What do these findings show?

When comparing the job satisfaction and lifestyles of the traditional employees and the self-employed raises the question of will the number of people becoming self-employed increase over the upcoming years? With the amount of people taking on freelance work increasing from 1.4m to 1.9m since 2008, and the opportunity to have an on-demand workforce appealing to businesses of all sizes and natures, we do expect to see a rising number of those employed in traditional roles moving to self-employment in the next few years.

This article is provided for information purposes only and should not be used to make key business/life decisions. Always speak with a professional to discuss your individual circumstances.

Looking for more?

Read our in-depth analysis on our Rise of the Self Employed survey to understand further the differences of lifestyles and what these results could mean for freelance Britain

This article is provided for information purposes only and should not be used to make key business/life decisions. Always speak with a professional to discuss your individual circumstances.

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