Securely locked and protected

Securely locked:

  • all external or internal doors leading to any part of the Building not occupied by you are secured with either
    • if an aluminum door: a cylinder mortice deadlock
    • if an armored plate door: the door manufacturer’s locks as supplied
    • if a UPVC door: a multi-point locking system incorporating a minimum of 3 deadbolts
    • if any other type of single leaf door:
      • if the door is at least 4.5 cm thick: a five lever mortise deadlock to at least BS 3621 with a 17.5 cm boxed steel striking plate
      • if less than 4.5 cm thick: either a deadlocking rim latch keyed into the deadlock position or a mortice deadlock and two key operated security bolts engaging with the door frame and with internal operation only
    • if double-leaf doors: standing leaf to be secured with internal surface mounted key operated security bolts or concealed flush bolts sited top and bottom engaging with the door frame and the floor; final closing leaf secured with either a lock fitted as above dependent on door type or both leaves fitted with a coach-bolted locking bar secured with a close shackle padlock (or, if the locking bar is sited internally, either a close or open shackle padlock) having at least five levers
    • if designated as a fire door, either
      • a panic bar locking system incorporating bolts which engage both the head and sill of the door frame, or
      • a mortise lock specifically designed for emergency exit doors which can be opened from the inside by conventional handle and/or thumb turn mechanism
  • where the sum insured on Office Contents:
    • is £50,000 or less, all external ground floor and accessible windows and/or skylights are secured with key operated window locks or screwed shut
    • exceeds £50,000 but is less than £75,000, all external ground floor and other accessible windows and/or the glass portion of any external doors are protected by adequately secured metal bars, grills, metal shutters or collapsible metal security grills
    • exceeds £75,000, all external ground floor and accessible windows and/or skylights are secured with key operated window locks or screwed shut and are further protected by a NACOSS ‘Redcare’ intruder alarm.